botox, dermal filler, lip enhancement, wrinkle treatment

look at this face:

eternal youth...

aetheric beauty....

perfect facial proportions...

well, easy for her being the goddess of beauty and love, and not changed since 1480 when Botticelli dreamed her on the canvas...

for us, mortals, however is given the opportunity to scoop a few millilitres from the Fountain of Youth and inject directly to the skin

My Area of Expertise

Hi, this is Dr. Z. Komlosi here.

I am a practising GP with surgical background. I also comleted special aesthetic training for anti-wrinkle injections (botulinum toxin type A) and dermal fillers.

What can I expect at the consultation?

First and foremost you will be listened to. In an open an in depth discussion you will have the opportunity

Whether you are after the most fashionable celebrity look or prefer the natural yet youthful beauty, together with Dr. Z. Komlosi you can achieve the appearance you always wanted. Give yourself a confidence boost with the latest results of aesthetic medicine!

Botulinum toxin type A

- As we age, due to reduced elasticity of the skin, facial muscle movements cause permanent lines on the face. By relaxing some of the muscles the wrikles will soften. Combines well with dermal fillers.

- Treating overactive muscles can correct "gummy smile" , "pebbled chin" or wide set jaw too!

- Armpit treatment to stop excessive sweating

see details  in

You may want to know how the botulinum toxin type A molecule works. It is produced by a bacterium called Clostridium Botulinum causing the serious illness of botulism. It blocks the messaging sysmtem between the muscles that produce the movements and the nerves carrying the instructions from the brain towards the muscles to move. As an illness it causes generalised muscle weakness, called paralysis.


Do not worry though! It is cleaned and used in very small quantities for medical and cosmetic purposes when localised muscle relaxation is beneficial. For example for muscle spasm in the back passage or bladder, or for wry neck treatment. In even smaller quantities it is used to relax certain facial or neck muscles to smothen wrinkles and correct other aesthetic imperfections.


Muscles recover from the toxin blockade in 3-4 month time, so the injection needs to be repeated. However after regular treatment the recovery time is getting longer, so it is not unheared that one needs a topup only yearly.

Dermal fillers


Restore lost plumpness of the face and lips for a youthful look or enhance the weak areas for a more pleasing smile in the mirror.


see details in

 What is used as dermal filler? Historically several different materials were tried to correct lost fullness on the face. Silicone for example was popular as a lip filler. However it is unnatural both to the look and the feel. It is unforgiving and as times goes on the implant can become visible. The procedure is not easy and the recovery time is quite long. Again later another surgery might be needed to remove or replace the implant.

Using autolog (own) fat transplant was another trend earlier. It is unfortunately quite difficult to predict the final result as some of the fat gets reabsorbed by the body or turns into scar tissue causing irregular texture under the skin. Assymetry and pebbled appearance were common complications.

Nowadays the wast majority of the fillers is hyaluronic acid. It is present in diferent layers of the skin. By retaining water it provides the turgor and elasticity of the youthful skin. Through the process of aging hyaluronic acid is gradually lost from the skin causing the fine wrinkles and thinning of the skin losing its radiance. At the same time facial fat pads are diminishing and moving downwards resulting in the sagging and the deep wrinkles on the aging face.

Different molecular size hyalironic acid with different level of cross-linking between the molecules can be used to replace lost plumpness in different layers of the face. After a personalised assessment you will be advised which type of hyaluronic acid product is most suitable for you. It is easy to inject to the right place, it looks and feels natural, lasts for 12-18 months and gets reabsorbed by the body evenly and slowly.





to book an appointment either go to BOOK AN APPOINTMENT and secure your appointment by paying the consultation fee (that will be discounted towards your treatment if you decide to go forward) or email me on advice@drzk.co.uk (easiest to use the form on the right hand side, I will try my best to respond within 24 hours)


Dr. Zsuzsa Komlosi

GP and Aesthetic Doctor

   "An endless fountain of immortal drink,

     Pouring unto us from the heaven's brink. "

               A Thing Of Beauty (Endymion) by John Keats

© Copyright. All Rights Reserved.

Kingsnorth Medical Practice, Ashford, Kent, TN23 3RE, UK

6080 Szabadszállás, Dózsa György út 2. (Bal oldali rendelö), Hungary

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